Life just doesn't get much better than this!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Comment on Vanessa's Blog

This comment was too big to fit in the little comment box on Vanessa's Blog about Is Anyone There? So here is my comment:
Is Anyone there?
By, W. Everett Prusso

To Vanessa:

I sat one day to write a blog
A pleasant ditty about a log
I pushed the button and wondered if
My words were just in cyber drift
I waited long, it seemed all day
To see if anyone had a comment to say
But at the end of day the counter was naught
Oh where were the readers, the readers I sought.

There’s a story about a forested tree
That fall to the earth, but nobody sees
The question is: did it make a sound?
If no one heard the tree hit the ground

Next day I passed a friend of mine
Who said she liked a particular line
“What did you say?” My mind in fog
She smiled at me, “I liked your blog.”
“You read it,” I cheered. “You really read?”
“As always,” she said. “Just before I go to bed.”

So like the tree, I’m happy to say
That my words were heard on this particular day
And so I will keep on blogging, it is true
With confidence that it will reach all of you.

1 comment:

Millertime said...

Thanks Dad! That is exactly how I felt!